Lakes of Monticchio

Lakes of Monticchio

Inside the crater of the cone eruption of Mount Vulture are two beautiful lakes. The lakes take the place namely Monticchio. The Great Lake covers an area of 40 hectares and is located at an altitude of 656 meters above sea level. Tje Little Lake, which covers an area of 10 ha is located 658 meters above sea level.

The two lakes are separated by a thin strip of land. The area surrounding the two lakes is cloaked in a luxuriant vegetation. It's wonderful to admire the "broom of charcoal burners" and the canopy of chestnut trees that here form very extensive forests.

Along the road that runs alongside the two lakes you can see the ruins of the Benedictine dell'Abbazia Sant'Ippolito (XI-XII century), with pre-existing ruins of pillars and apses of centuries IX-X. On the slopes of the crater was built the Benedictine Abbey of San Michele, built around a cave inhabited by monks Basilian

The area is also rich in several mineral water springs used as water table. There are many points where they can consume a breakfast outdoors, thanks to Spaces or at the numerous restaurants and holiday farms in the area. Relaxation is guaranteed especially for the comfort that is offered by hotels of excellent quality.

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